Walnut OilJuglans regiaBenefits: The Walnut is the oldest tree fruit dating to 4000 BC and originally from Persia. Like all the tree nuts, walnut oil is vitally rich in plant sterols, antioxidants, omegas, vitamins A, B, D, E, phytonutrients, proteins, and magnesium! Not only does it help to reduce the appearance of aging, but it can also be very helpful with irritated and sensitive skin.
Formulated In: Amber Rose.
White Willow ExtractSalix albaBenefits: White willow is a indigenous of Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia Organic White Willow Bark extract naturally contains salicylic acid, which helps skin shed dead skin cells and clear pores. This extract is also jam packed with antioxidants, which helps overall skin health and longevity! White Willow Bark applied topically helps increases blood flow to the skin, which can joyfully reduces the appearance of wrinkles and age spots!
Formulated In: Coconut Cleanse,
Rose Cleanse and
Witch Hazel ExtractHamamelis virginianaBenefits: Witch Hazel is
native to woodlands, forest margins and stream banks in eastern North America. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial properties, which are essential to cleanse oil from the skin, remove make-up, decrease bags under eyes and skin puffiness, and to reduce pore size.
Formulated In: Coconut Cleanse,
Cucumber Cleanse,
Lavender Bliss,
Rose Clease,
Rosy Fresh and
Vivacious Aloe.