Well, by now you surely know, SanRe is ALL about using the very best ORGANIC Skinfood INGREDIENTS in our precious products!! BUT, did you know we’re also ALL ABOUT eating an Organically Veggie Diet and GROWING as much of our food as possible in our Organic FAMILY GARDEN ??!! ... We LOVE Gardening! ...
Wherever you might find YOUR summer sanctuary, SanRe is introducing our first VEGAN COCONUT CLEANSER that brings a clean, natural sanctuary to your face after a long day in the mountain garden, on the beach or in that 9-5 job! ...
“Life is the Flower for which Love is the Honey.” -Victor Hugo
Flowers have started to bloom and sweeten the air! Their bright colors attract some the busiest buzzing beauties – female Honey Bees! Their life-giving pollination for plants helps make sure we have enough fruits and vegetables to eat, and their HONEY is a holistically natural healing agent for the skin :-) Because of its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, Honey is perhaps the oldest healing agent of scrapes, burns, skin irritants and imperfections. ...
One step many often ignore in skin and overall health is CARDIO EXERCISE – Whew almost broke a sweat just typing it!! ;-) But, there is a plethora of health benefits that come from the continued and brisk movement of our bodies! ...
Let’s talk water! We’re water based living beings - and as such - highly dependent on water. Water is SO VITAL to many critical body functions like digesting food, transporting oxygen to the cells, maintaining body temperature, absorbing nutrients, helping the body flush toxins, and very importantly here – H2O is 64% of our skin’s composition – working hard to rejuvenate the skin and improve our complexion!