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Well, by now you surely know, SanRe is ALL about using the very best ORGANIC Skinfood INGREDIENTS in our precious products!! BUT, did you know we’re also ALL ABOUT eating an Organically Veggie Diet and GROWING as much of our food as possible in our Organic FAMILY GARDEN ??!! 

We LOVE Gardening!

We love watching our garden grow full and lush without any toxic pesticides or fertilizers -- It’s how Mother Nature really wanted anyway :-)

So, if you're not already happily gardening, why should you maybe start an Organic Garden this year…?

  • The FRESHEST Organic Veggies have more Vitality
  • NO harmful pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or questionable GMOs
  • Cleaner Groundwater and Soil
  • Enjoyable and Stress Reducing Activity
  • Benefits Wildlife and Pollinators
  • Good Soil Bacteria is Good for You
  • Increased Vitamin D from the Sun
  • and Saves Money!

Don’t have the space? There’s a rise of Community Gardens in many neighborhoods – as 1 in 3 people are now Happy Gardeners due to the accessibility of community gardens in smart neighborhoods!

Due to Earth’s slight tilt, we’ve technically had our Summer Solstice a whole week earlier in the sweet Blue Ridge Mountains. That means we’ll now be talking a stroll in our beloved “SUMMER” Garden to check up on some of our newest Fruits & Veggies :-)

Have a little Peak yourself below with these earliest Harvest pics all taken this Wednesday (early Blueberries, Peaches, Blackberries, Squash Blooms, Tomato Blooms & Strawberry)!  As they grow, we'll also keep you posted on many of our other greens - like beets, rhubarb, horseradish, peas, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, broccoli, garlic, onions, artichoke, asparagus, plums, pomegranates and apples :-)  

GROW your own Earthly LOVE and HEALTH with Organic GARDENING!!! :-)


NEW PICS: Sandra with Garlic, Squash, Grapes, Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Peppers, Apples, Figs, Pears, Cherry Tomatoes and Beets!!! All on July 24th in our Garden :-) More to come!  LOVE Summer in the Mountains! 

SanRe Organic
SanRe Organic


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